Our Terminology
Jargon buster
Getting to grips with the card payment industry can be difficult when you are also trying to run a business, and you may enounter words, terms and phrases that are hard to understand.
Our jargon buster helps to explain what many of these terms mean in order to enable you to make an informed choice about the products and services that could help your business.
An acquiring bank (also known simply as an acquirer) is a bank or financial institution that processes credit or debit card payments on behalf of a merchant. The acquirer allows merchants to accept credit card payments from the card-issuing banks within an association.
Card Saver works with the following acquiring banks: AIB, First Data, Borgun, Evo, Cashflows, Paynt, E-Merchant Pay & Trust Payments.
A monthly invoice from the bank which shows all charges and breakdown of costs.
Often referred too as a ‘static terminal’ or ‘fixed-line’. A desktop terminal is usually a single terminal located at your main checkout or till location.
E-commerce is a general term relating to purchasing of goods or services usually online through a website or app. We offer an ‘e-commerce payment gateway’ which allows you to take secure payments online.
An ‘Electronic Point of Sale’ is a digital point of sale machine, often accompanied by a card machine. Giving you a plethora of accounting, stock and management software taking care of historically manual tasks relating to your everyday business.
GPRS refers to a mobile network enabled terminal that connects using available 3G/4G networks (similar to a mobile phone) allowing you to take payments on the go.
A Wi-Fi terminal connects to your available broadband connection allowing you to use your terminal around your business, taking payments to your customers.
An online portal that allows you to take payments via a Virtual Terminal, Pay By Link & access Ecommerce settings.
We are an ‘Independent Sales Organisation’ meaning we hold an ‘ISO 9001’ certification. The standard is used by organizations to demonstrate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements and to demonstrate continuous improvement
Card Saver is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (659179). The FCA regulates and supervises the conduct of more than 50,000 firms in the UK that provide financial products and services to both UK and international customers.